Exemplos do corpo de texto para ARR
1. By Wahidullah Amani (ARR No. 184, 31–Aug–05) Bamian is a province imprisoned by history.
2. By Aziz Ahmad Tassal in Musa Qala (ARR No. 275, 27–Nov–07) «We don’t want foreigners here!
3. Institute for War & Peace Reporting By IWPR trainees in Helmand (ARR No. 24', 4–Apr–07) The reports are grim.
4. Institute for War & Peace Reporting By Wahidullah Amani in Kabul (ARR No. 267, 05–Oct–07) Kabul’s narrow streets, recently so crowded, are now unnaturally calm.
5. Institute for War and Peace Reporting By Mohammad Jawad Sharifzada in Kabul (ARR No. 203, 18–Feb–06) Jawanmard Paeez is hardly your typical film director.